General terms of use

This application is made available free of charge by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in the framework of the national initiative aiming to promote general financial knowledge. The CSSF is a public institution which supervises the financial sector (except for the insurance sector) in Luxembourg. The head office is located at 283, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg.

Acceptance of the General terms of use

Any person using this application and its content is deemed to have read and accepted all the terms and notices of these General terms of use.

Amendment to the General terms of use

The CSSF reserves the right to amend and supplement, at any time, these General terms of use for the development of the application or due to changes in the legislation or for any other reason deemed necessary.

Availability of the application

The CSSF endeavours to ensure, to the best of its possibility, the ongoing availability of this application. However, the CSSF reserves the right to suspend access to the application for technical or security reasons or for any other reason deemed necessary.


The creation of a user account on the servers of the CSSF is required in order to use the application. In order to create a user account, the user must provide a valid email address, a username and the year of birth and create a personal password. By completing the registration process, the user is deemed to have accepted that the input data be saved on the servers of the CSSF for the purposes laid down under point 6.


The application is free of charge for the user. Please note that the use of the application may generate mobile phone costs. If you have questions on the mobile phone costs, please contact your mobile phone operator.

Data protection

The CSSF is in charge of processing your personal data collected through the use of this application. The CSSF highlights its commitment to protecting your personal data and ensures compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

The processing of your personal data is performed exclusively for the purpose laid down in these General terms of use. Any processing of personal data for commercial purposes is excluded.

The following data are saved on the servers of the CSSF, located in Luxembourg, in the framework of the use of this application: the email address, the username, the birth year, the personal password and the input data. The storage of the email address, personal password and input data is carried out exclusively for technical reasons, in order to ensure optimal and seamless use of the application and to allow users to recover their data in case of loss. The storage of the chosen username allows users to personalise the application and facilitates the identification of profiles which were manually linked to a user profile. The birth year is recorded for statistical purposes in order to determine if the application is indeed used by its targeted group.

The birth year is recorded permanently. All other data are only recorded for the period of time for which the application is used. The deletion of the user account triggers the deletion of all related data. The deletion of the user account may be requested in accordance with the procedure described under point 8.

In this context, please contact the Data Protection Officer of the CSSF for any questions or comments regarding these General terms of use or the CSSF’s practices:

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
Data Protection Officer
283, route d’Arlon
L-1150 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 26 25 1 2283

Your rights as a user

With respect to the processing of personal data by the CSSF, you have, in principle, vis-à-vis the CSSF the right to access, modify, delete, limit the processing, port the data or object.

In order to submit a request concerning your personal data by email or by post, please use the contact details provided under point 6 above. This request must be accompanied by a copy of the front side of your ID, passport or any other identification document.

Moreover, you have the right to file a complaint with the Commission nationale pour la protection des données. The contact details of the Commission nationale pour la protection des données are:

Commission nationale pour la protection des données
Service des plaintes
1, avenue du Rock’n’Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel.: (+352) 26 10 60-1

Deletion of the user account

The user account is deleted upon request within seven (7) business days at the latest. This request must be emailed to by using the email address belonging to the user account.

The CSSF reserves the right to delete, on its own initiative and without prior notice, any user account which has not been used for a period exceeding twelve (12) months as well as the related data.

Password reset

The password is reset upon request. Such request must be emailed to by using the email address belonging to the user account. The CSSF will endeavour to process these requests as soon as possible.


For further questions or proposals for improvement concerning this application, please contact us by email at:


The application is the property of the CSSF and, as such, it is protected by the laws on intellectual property and copyright. The CSSF does not grant any license or authorisation in relation to its rights linked to this application.

General limitations of liability

This application was developed with the utmost care. The CSSF endeavours to ensure the security and availability of the application and recorded data. Hence, the CSSF or its agents cannot be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, related to the use or availability of the application.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

Any disputes relating to the use of this application will be subject to Luxembourg law and Luxembourg jurisdictions are exclusively competent in this matter.